Friday, July 26, 2019

Behind the scenes at the Song School

In addition to practicing in the Cathedral, the choir also held some extra rehearsals in the Cathedral Song School. Here's a look at the Choir rehearsing this morning.

Solos and Fellowship

Thursday's evensong featured solos by Markus and Becky. After the service we went up to the St. Andrews Brewhouse (naturally) for a drink and fellowship.

Hark I Hear The Harps Eternal

Ev’ry Time I Feel The Spirit

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

St Andrews Choir at Norwich Cathedral

FIrst Evensong

On Monday evening, July 22, 2019 the St. Andrew's College Park Parish Choir sang their first of 6 evensongs at Norwich Cathedral.  The choir sounded absolutely glorious the gorgeous cathedral space.  Here are some photos as the choir prepared and lined up for the service. 

And some pictures of the choir in action

Image may contain: 6 people, people standing and indoor

Image may contain: one or more people

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Arrival in Norwich

What a long day!
The majority of us have arrived. There has been some inevitable confusion and misplaced items, but we are safe and sound and that's what matters.

Our 800 year old hotel.

Being in the presence of buildings so old, seeing the steps which are worn down from centuries of others who came before is in a word - humbling.

Cathedral cloisters

The spire can be seen from all over Norwich

This week is the celebration of the 900 year anniversary of the founding of the cathedral. We heard a group of students from Oxford University's various colleges who were rehearsing for a medieval music concert tomorrow after Evensong. They will also sing the daily offices beginning at 3:30AM (!!) on Monday and Tuesday.

Choir stalls

High altar

We are so lucky to be a very tiny part of the history of Norwich Cathedral by being this week's choir in residence. It's possible to walk through the cathedral campus and see glimpses of all the eras gone before -- medieval graffiti, grave markers from the 18th century, royal standards from various military campaigns in the 19th and 20th centuries, a contemporary Russian artist's mixed media paintings about climate change in Siberia -- the scope of the history here is deep and broad.

Cathedral gate, right opposite our hotel

Folks are very welcoming, more than willing to suggest pubs and restaurants to visit, to make sure we visit place X or the Y part of town. I even learned today that there is not only a Norfolk accent, but a Norwich one as well. There are so many little alleyways and paths to take, along the river, through the city, it unfolds like a 3D book and we hope to share just a bit of it with you throughout the week.